kyb check

7 ways to streamline KYB compliance processes for legal firms

KYB compliance is a critical task for every law firm, but it can often be a cumbersome and time-consuming process, especially for your fee earners carrying out checks manually on top of an already substantial workload.  Manual KYB checks are … Read More

legal challenges - KYB

Tackling the most common KYB challenges in legal firms

KYB (Know Your Business) is an important process as part of wider AML procedures in legal firms that involves verifying the identity and background of their corporate clients, suppliers, and partners.  In order to comply with Anti-Money Laundering requirements, law … Read More

ROI of compliance

The ROI of compliance: How KYB can be a competitive advantage for payments firms

Payments firms, including payment processors, gateways, and e-wallet providers, need to ensure that the businesses they serve are legitimate to prevent fraud, money laundering, and other illegal activities.  Know Your Business (KYB) compliance refers to the process of verifying the … Read More

automated kyb

7 key benefits of automating your KYB process

For every regulated firm, ensuring a robust KYB process is essential for compliance and risk management, and it is a cornerstone of success. When onboarding new clients or businesses, it is crucial for firms to accurately vet and verify the … Read More

kyb challenges

4 common KYB challenges in payments and how to solve them

In recent years, the payments services landscape has evolved significantly. And yet, with a changing landscape, comes changing levels of risk. In 2019/20, almost a third of suspicious activity reports relating to suspected criminal funds came from the electronic payment … Read More

How to conduct thorough KYB checks without compromising customer experience

At a time when fraud and financial crime are at record highs, safeguarding financial institutions against bad actors is paramount. In the UK, where regulatory scrutiny is strict, compliance teams play a pivotal role in upholding their firm’s defences against … Read More

KYB process

Maximising efficiency: The KYB process explained

The KYB (Know Your Business) process refers to the procedures and checks that businesses undertake to verify the identity and legitimacy of their customers or business partners. It involves gathering information and conducting due diligence to ensure compliance with regulations and mitigate risks. … Read More

elements of KYB

7 essential elements of KYB checks

Know Your Business (KYB) checks are a cornerstone of AML compliance for regulated firms in the UK. Compliance with KYB requirements is not only a regulatory obligation, but also a fundamental step in maintaining trust and confidence in the financial … Read More

Checking a company director

Infographic: Checking a company director

Checking company directors for Anti-Money Laundering (AML) is a pivotal step in ensuring the health, integrity, and legality of any business operation. It’s not just about ticking regulatory boxes; it’s about protecting the very essence of your company. AML checks … Read More

Business Onboarding: Why You Need an Efficient and Holistic Approach

How automated KYB checks can help mitigate risk in your business

Customers are not only individuals, but businesses too. Anti-money laundering regulations instruct organisations to monitor and protect against suspicious activity. The main focus of the checks undertaken is to establish the identity and ownership of the company being dealt with, … Read More