
fraud prevention

What is fraud prevention and why is it important?

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected financial landscape, the risk of fraud looms large over businesses, threatening their integrity, financial stability, and reputation. For compliance professionals in regulated firms across the UK, the battle against fraud is an ongoing challenge that … Read More


Behind the schemes: Inside the mind of a fraudster

In this article, we peel back the layers of deception and take a look at what makes fraudsters tick. With real-life case studies from an ex-fraudster, we take a look at the motives, strategies and evolving methodologies used by fraudsters.  … Read More


What are the most common types of fraud?

In this article, we take a look at what fraud is, the most common types, and share some insight from an ex-fraudster into their motivations. … Read More

fraud in crypto

What are the most common types of fraud in cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is yet to become fully regulated. In the meantime, it’s vital to know how to spot payment fraud in crypto. Learn how to spot the signs here. … Read More

Robert Brooker Webinar

Wired-In webinar: The fraud landscape – fight or flight

We were delighted to be joined by Robert Brooker, Head of Fraud and Forensics and PKF GM on the latest instalment of our brand new webinar series, Wired-In. … Read More