Financial Crime

financial crime

What are the main types of financial crime?

Financial crime is constantly evolving, presenting new and increasingly complex challenges for compliance and counter-fraud professionals.  In order to navigate these challenges, it is important to understand the various types of financial crime, the risks they pose and strategies to … Read More


Behind the schemes: Inside the mind of a fraudster

In this article, we peel back the layers of deception and take a look at what makes fraudsters tick. With real-life case studies from an ex-fraudster, we take a look at the motives, strategies and evolving methodologies used by fraudsters.  … Read More

what is financial crime?

What is financial crime?

In today’s interconnected world, the risk of financial crime is greater than ever. But what exactly is financial crime?

From money laundering to fraud, to cybercrime, these illegal practices pose significant threats to economies and societies worldwide. In this blog, we delve into the murky depths of financial crime, exploring its various forms and the measures in place to combat them. … Read More

payments industry

Wired-In webinar: Managing AML risks in digital payments

In a thought-provoking Wired-In webinar, we explored the most frequent types of AML risks in digital payments and how to combat these. … Read More

prevent financial crime

5 ways to help prevent financial crime

Organisations from all industries from around the world are facing ever-increasing challenges to prevent financial crime and other fraudulent actions taking place. Fraudsters are constantly evolving their techniques and target the weaknesses in processes. One process weakness could affect an … Read More

Robert Brooker Webinar

Wired-In webinar: The fraud landscape – fight or flight

We were delighted to be joined by Robert Brooker, Head of Fraud and Forensics and PKF GM on the latest instalment of our brand new webinar series, Wired-In. … Read More

financial crime 2022

Financial crime in 2022: the biggest scandals, heftiest fines and most shocking cases

2022 was, by no means, a quiet year for financial crime. From devastating cases of fraud, to some hefty fines for AML failings; 2022 saw some of the most shocking reports of financial crime and money laundering. In October 2022, … Read More

Combatting the Rise of Financial Crime in a Post-Pandemic World

Combatting the Rise of Financial Crime in a Post-Pandemic World

Levels of financial crime have been building for many years. The scale of that increase is open to conjecture, because there are as many answers as there are sources of statistics, but no-one disagrees that the overall levels continue to … Read More