
kyc onboarding

Achieving data accuracy for KYB in the payments industry

Know Your Business (KYB) is a critical aspect of compliance in the regulated payments sector. Ensuring data accuracy is paramount, as it directly impacts the ability to meet regulatory requirements, mitigate risks, and maintain trust with stakeholders. The process involves … Read More

Global data challenges - KYB

Overcoming global data challenges in KYB

Financial Institutions’ Know Your Business (KYB) data requirements are stringent but necessary in the context of our multi-trillion dollar global financial crime problem. This data help institutions understand their clients’ motives, allowing them to rule out, within a reasonable margin of error (risk tolerance), the likelihood that a corporation is being used for illicit activities. … Read More

fragmented KYB challenges

Overcoming the challenges of fragmented KYB

Mounting regulatory pressure and heightened customer expectations are prompting firms to turn to KYB tools in pursuit of seamless onboarding and robust AML compliance. However, the multi-phased nature of KYB has, in some cases, encouraged a piecemeal approach to process … Read More