
The founder and former CEO of Binance, Changpeng Zhao commits money laundering offences

Changpeng Zhao’s Sentencing: AML Compliance Challenges For Crypto

The founder and former CEO of Binance, Changpeng Zhao, better known as ‘CZ’, was sentenced to four months behind bars on Tuesday, 30th April 2024, after pleading guilty to money laundering offences he committed last year.  Zhao is now the … Read More

KYC in crypto

What is KYC in crypto and why is it important?

KYC, or Know Your Customer, is a process that involves verifying the identity of customers or users before providing them with access to certain financial services or products, such as opening a bank account or using cryptocurrency platforms.  KYC processes … Read More

aml for crypto

AML compliance in the cryptocurrency market: things to consider

Cryptocurrencies have become increasingly popular in the UK, with more people and businesses investing in digital assets.  However, with the growth of the cryptocurrency market comes the risk of money laundering, terrorist financing, and other illicit activities. The risk and … Read More

fraud in crypto

What are the most common types of fraud in cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is yet to become fully regulated. In the meantime, it’s vital to know how to spot payment fraud in crypto. Learn how to spot the signs here. … Read More

top compliance trends

Top Compliance Trends You Need to Know for 2019

Money-laundering and compliance failures within large banks and institutions dominated the financial news in 2018. To help you not fall foul of the regulations in 2019, we have gathered a list of top 9 compliance trends this year and how they may impact how you do business. … Read More

Crypto Asset’s Pathway to the Mainstream through AML and KYC Compliance

Crypto Asset’s Pathway to the Mainstream through AML and KYC Compliance

If you are looking to start a crypto asset business it is important to ensure that proper procedures are put in place from day one. NorthRow provides AML and KYC compliance single API. … Read More