Challenger Banks

How FinTechs Are Transforming SME Lending

How FinTechs Are Transforming SME Lending

The unprecedented uncertainty caused by the pandemic is having a profound impact on SMEs around the globe. Lenders must ensure they deliver funds quickly and efficiently to help ensure the survival of small businesses. With lockdown measures still in place for many, we how lenders can deliver faster funding for SMEs during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. … Read More

5th Anti-Money Laundering Directive

5th Anti-Money Laundering Directive: Do We Need Rules or a Flexible Approach?

Customers want the convenience of opening a bank account in minutes from a mobile phone, and firms need to efficiently respond to this increasing customer demand for remote onboarding. These same firms are also beginning to see opportunities arise with the advent of Open Banking and PSD2. NorthRow offers innovative remote onboarding solutions to help financial firms with their complex compliance, identity and security demands, simplifying client onboarding via a single API. Learn more now. … Read More

Acceleration to Secure, Remote Customer Onboarding

Acceleration to Secure, Remote Customer Onboarding

Customers want the convenience of opening a bank account in minutes from a mobile phone, and firms need to efficiently respond to this increasing customer demand for remote onboarding. These same firms are also beginning to see opportunities arise with the advent of Open Banking and PSD2. NorthRow offers innovative remote onboarding solutions to help financial firms with their complex compliance, identity and security demands, simplifying client onboarding via a single API. … Read More